The students whom I am working with, are Spanish language learners and the teacher in order to make this process easier, she is always planing funny activities for them keeping always in her mind the Comprehensible Imput Hypothesis (suggested by Krashen). According to this hypothesis, the students are able to acquire a language only if they can understand it. For this reason, the teacher is always motivating the students to participate in the class. In order to do that she has to find different didactive ways to make information more comprehensible for the learner by using different strategies like connecting new information to prior knowledge, using gestures, body language, drawing, etc.
The teacher had not had the opportunity to work with a native Spanish speaker before. Now that I am working with her, she is teaching with social interaction because she is encouraging her students all the time to ask me things in order to practice their Spanish with me. This strategy is resulting very effective because all the students, even those who were always afraid of speaking are taking risk and participating.
1 comment:
I like your 'twist' on the topic! Well done. I'm glad that the teacher figured out how to use you as a resource for even more effective teaching.
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